Reviews and Complaints
Added Remarks to my Credit Report when I disputed them
I have never heard of this company until they charged me close to $70 at 2 AM one morning. Luckily it pinged my apple watch.
I called my Visa Card Company and asked to dispute this. At the same time I saw this sight and the other complaints. The visa customer service person for some reason wanted to call them together to find out what was wrong. They said that they have had a few issues with this in the past but had rectified it.
They would process a return of my product. I told Visa that there is an extensive history of this on the internet and that they should look into it. Evidently they did. Advocare did "process my return" but then they put a remark on my credit report with Equifax that "customer disputes after resolution".
I had to call Equifax to remove which I did. However, these guys should be barred from using the Visa service at this point.
What a pain. I had never even heard of these people before and was stuck with this effort...
In my opinion...
I went full paleo while doing a 6-week CrossFit challenge. From that I started the Advocare 180. During this, I began taking MNS 3. I took it for about 6 weeks religiously, and then took a break from it (for about a month) per the instructions of my seller/team leader, to test to see how I would react. My bathroom visits did decrease. Well, I recently started taking MNS 3 again, and sure enough - I think this is what is sending me to the bathroom 5+x/day. I have been back on it for about 2-weeks, and I just don't feel "good." In fact, I feel exhausted.
I am one who tries to ride things out as long as possible - give things the benefit of the doubt, and try my hardest to see things through. Having recently started a new job, I am not able to make it to the gym any longer (all work no play, it seems). I'm sure that would have accelerated the weight loss, but I was committed (wasn't cheap). I made it through the 180 seeing only a few pound loss, but I don't have a "ton" of weight to lose.
I have jokingly said to my friend (who sells Advocare) that I am sure I am one of very, very few people who actually dislikes Spark (and will say it out loud). I don't care for it at all (nor the shakes, which taste horrific - then again, I have yet to find a "meal replacement shake" that tastes good). I have recently started their "Slim" product though, and can honestly say I am able to take this one in a lot more easily. I don't exactly know why.
I am bound and determined to see this through, but here I am again - nauseous and exhausted, and just not feeling "good" whatsoever.
I don't know where the post under the original came from ("This person wrote the review because of warranty issue...), but I do think that is an unfair statement. Public reviews should be expected and accepted, regardless of whether or not they are in your favor. Not everyone will see or feel the same results.
I'm a real person not looking for money, praise, sympathy, etc., etc. This is my experience. Take it or leave it!
Off to the bathroom...yet again!
Advocate is a joke!
i have always eaten healthy, drank water, and worked out daily. with my wedding approaching I've had so many people talk about advocate being a way to cut down on bloating and lose some pounds and inches so i fell for it.
i ordered the 24 day cleanse and started on it right away , being sure to follow the strict instructions sent with everything. the first day wasn't bad i felt like i had energy and i didn't have cravings. then the second day came and the third followed by days 4-7 and i have been so sick, in so much intestinal pain, dizziness, extreme fatigue, and not to mention the migraines that no medicine can cure. i haven't been able to work out in 7 days I'm so tired and weak, i crawl in bed at 6pm because i can't even hold myself up anymore and I'm miserable.
i stopped after 7 days and have no intention to ever start it back up or finish. I'm very in tune with my body and it is screaming for me to stop taking these products. there is no explanation for my reaction to this product and I'm so bad today I've contemplated going to the ER to be checked for anemia. but then i got online and was shocked to read and see how many other people were experiencing the same things i was and that just sealed the deal for me.
ADVOCARE is a joke and was cleared not formed by a RD because I've eating my balanced meals based off of my daily required needs and have drank nothing but water ( gallon a day) and feel like i can't hold myself up even. DO NOT TAKE THIS PRODUCT
Preferred solution: Full refund
Advocare spark canister clumps half way through before expir
Advocare sparks clumps half way through product and before expiration. Poor customer service.
They won’t replace.
Poor distributor relations they don’t get back to me . Never buying again.
- Energy
- Quality of product
Friends dont let friends sell or buy Advocare
I have already wasted enough time with this ridiculous, multilevel marketing scam, this will be my one and only retort. If you feel like you need to defend your stance on this company, do not expect me to allow you to affect my opinion.
In response to my post, these were just light notes and not as harsh as what I truly wanted to post. I want to clarify that the "Avotards comment was originally dedicated to the woman (who are normally the smarter of the 2 species) who are drinking spark while pregnant and other that our giving it to their young children. The mind of a child while forming does not need to be over stimulated with excessive caffeine, B12 or Bull ***.
Not everyone at this Avotard convention looked like a circus freak show.
The one that stuck out excessively was the guy that over developed his lats, bicep and triceps causing him to resemble a walking cobra with a tiny little head. In his defense he was the smartest of the herd, being able to quote all Advoscares technical information. He just reminded me of the character in "Beetle Juice" sitting in the waiting room with a shrunken head.
My rant is not based alone on the $80 dollars that were stolen from me, it is also based on the cult like behavior of this Kool-Aid sipping group.
I fortuity left the temple before Jim Jones arrived. These cult like meetings that Advoscare holds weekly (Special ED success school) conditions their sale team much like Adolf Hitler conditioned the Nazi SS youth. The only thing that Advoscare left out of the Special ED success school was to water your plants and grass with Spark, make Arnold S. President, put a gym coach and personal trainer selling spark on every corner.
They could make a movie about these people and call it "Idi-o-crazy".
During the speeches, one particular woman carried on excessively about the "fire in her belly" over and over and over and over again. While her hand was rubbing underneath her stomach. I almost stood up and told her to contact her gynecologist before something fell out.
If you call Advoscare and just listen to the holding message, it is pure company conditioning. Call them for yourself and you be the judge. For the record, Spark is a little better than mediocre. The products that I was slamming were "Slam" and "Rehydrate", they were absolutely worthless.
I feel pity for the American Soccer League that is being forced to represent this useless product. They will need a nap time between each half of play. As for you who do not appreciate the value of the 1st amendment rights, please allow me to address you with a quote from your reply, "the facts do not matter." I appreciate that you are standing up for a brand that is self serving you. In reality world, THE FACTS are the ONLY thing that matters.
Do you not realize that the basis of multilevel sales are FAILURE!! They expect you to buy in, and then for you to push your products onto your close family and friends, they KNOW that you will not go any further than this. IF you do, good for you. However I can promise you that you will not continue to collect a residual income from Advoscare for the rest of your life.
By all means continue to do what you are doing, waste your time. But please refrain to collecting welfare when you fail, the rest of us are tired of supporting those that cannot tell reality from fiction. To explain to the common "Advotard", when I mentioned getting a grant, this allows me to get true information without the influence of corporate agenda's forced upon me. I.E.
Gatorade may give me a grant, but strings would be attached. I hope that this makes sense to you because I have a great difficulty dumbing things down. The individual that took me to this event is a solid stand up guy. I believe that in time he will distance himself from this temple of Kool-Aid drinking Advotards.
I even told him that during the meeting that he is the only one that could have talked me into even considering walking through the doors. My biggest issue with this company is not the $80.00 that they stole from me, I will survive, it is the fact that they designed a system molded to give hope to poor and broken people, even to the point of TAKING their last dollar. I do not work for, or use GNC products. However they are a less sinister company and I would prefer to use their laboratory foods over Advoscare.
"God bless and have a blessed week", anyone can quote a few spiritual comments and pretend to be a Christian organization Advocare. How long do you think that this angle will work when you are robbing people daily. If you believe in this magic bean juice then by all means mix it up in a bowl of Wheaties and end up like Bruce Jenner.
I truly do not care. So take your 24 hour challenge and building champions market schemes and take them to the special place in *** that is waiting for you.
Things that you might want to know before making the unnecessary mistake of joining the Advocare scam.
About 2 months ago I tried a product called spark. It is a caffeine loaded product much like NOS or Red bull. It did not taste as good, but almost had the same amount of energy. There are a lot of mediocre products on the market, but this group, during their moral pow-wow's, carry on like this product came from the holy grail. Interesting session where people get and carry on about their pathetic live and bad judgment calls. How they were earlier broke because of poor business decisions, but Advocare "saved their lives". Giving them a brain wasted purpose to "sell, sell, sell". It was significantly worse than AMWAY. The group consisted of a lot of different, easily maniplulated, sports "types" - ie. Gym coaches, personal trainers and athletes that didn't make the cut. A lot of the physiques of these "athletes" decided that one part of their body was more important to develop than the rest of body, so their bodies were completely out of proportion. This reminded me of my youth when visiting the circus. The additional people at this event were more like people that lived on a McDonald's value meal diet, trying to become like the rest of the "Avotards".
As for the Dollar aspect, I had used my debit card to purchase a trial run of this so called "amazing" spark. The next thing that I know, going down the pyramid scam lane, a package shows up at my door step addressed to someone else but charged to my credit card. I then proceed to address this matter with what seemed to me as two lobotomized "customer" service representatives who REFUSED to refund the money back to my credit card UNLESS I spent MORE money with Advocare. Eventually Dominque, the 2nd "customer" representative, talked with her supervisor who stated that "I would NOT get a refund". They told me that they could change the name on the invoice to mine and I could BECOME A ADVOCARE DISTRIBUTOR!!!! This way I could SAVE MONEY ON FUTURE ADVOCARE PURCHASES!!! All while getting a discount. Ok....... Really!!! This is not what I was expecting. Her attitude, WITH A GIGGLE IN HER VOICE implied I should go pound sand. If you are fooled into the delusional mind set that you will not get robbed, AND YOU WILL BEOME RICH FROM THIS SCAM, your thinking would be the equivalent of going to Vegas and betting parts of your soul in a game of craps and consistently rolling SNAKE EYES!!
If someone approaches you at a gym, box or athletic event trying to push this "legal" drug on you, call authorities and have them removed from the venue. The caffeine in Spark is a good boost in energy, however their goal is nothing more then habitual, financial rape.
I would also like to ask anyone if they have had one of these "Avotard's" in their circle pushing/using this substance and find out a few years later struggling from kidney, liver failure, brain tumors or aneurisms contact me so that I may compile data to acquire a grant to have this companies chemicals investigated further.
Rude distributor
I tried to contact a local distributor to ask questions about products I got no return calls or even a message of referral distributor very rude
I never was a "pissed consumer"
Whe calling during normL business hours they answer quickly and are very vurteos yo address all my needs.
I dont know how this "pissed consumer" link ever even hit in olved.
I am a cometely satisfied customer if Sd ocare and I dtand by the priduct and customer service representatives!
Smaller container. No more
I hadn’t used AdvoCare for a couple years. But needed to get back to healthy weight and my energy level plummeted after major loss.
Ordered it on amazon and thought it was the same one I always ordered in the past. Much smaller size and actually more expensive than I remember. I will use this order but will not purchase again. Consolidating to one side is fine but price should have gone down.
Spending $200+ per month for their supplements...no one can afford that.
If they could they’d have personal trainers and a chef who cooks every meal. I’m really disappointed.
Ripped off
I was told this product was going to change my life. Well guess what.
It’s a scam. Distributors make money from you.
They tried to convince you . The product is garbage
Excellent products
No complaint, just i have tried Advocare products and so far have been the best products ive tried from all the competition out there. I was buying the product and became a distributor and not to sell the product but to use it my self.
And so far its been the best products i have used. 5 stars for advocare
Shyster hustlers
I was approached by a diamond rep, Sam, to be on her team. She was so enthusiastic, like, annoying enthusiastic.
She went on & on about how I can make my life better, be in control of my life & live it on my own terms, apparently Sam assumes we're all miserable unless we're hustling for her. Well, turns out, Sam stands to make money off of all the sales I make, ha, no wonder she's so enthusiastic. My friend & I both thought she was a con job. She claims to care so much about making other people happy when the truth is she's making herself happy by recruiting you so she gets a cut of all your sales.
Sorry Sam, I'm not interested in hustling Advocare products to people when all you have to do is eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise. Supplements don't get absorbed into the body, they just give you expensive urine.
No order shipment
Order did not get delivered to our house
Spark made me sick
I recently purchased the new packaged spark. Not sure if they have changed the formula.
But, I got horribly sick. Almost instant diarrhea followed by flushing. The nausea has gotten worse as the day goes on. Symptoms of niacin poisoning!
I am a distributor and cannot in good conscience sell this poison to people! I’m canceling my membership. Shame on you Advocare for selling this garbage!!!
I will spread the word to everyone who will listen!!!! Everyone needs to know how terrible Advocare is and hopefully nobody else gets sick!!!
A in my book
I have been using Advocare off and on for the past 8 years. Some of the products I have tried I don't care for but there are a few that work really well for me.
I love how the MNS vitamins are all prepackaged and ready to go and I do feel a little more pep in my step, my nails grow longer, and eyes are brighter after completing a box. I cycle on and cycle off vitamins, I would like to get most of my nutrients from food, but sometimes busy lifes don't let this happen. I have tried many other company's too but keeping coming back to my tried and true Advocare.
I'm sorry to hear about those with bad customer service experiences. I have had absolutely none.
Michael Patane - Representative
Michael was very friendly at first. I am still in high school and was just trying to help myself feel and look better for my senior prom.
Michael became pushy, borderline offensive, and harassed me to a point. Please fix this for future customers.
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I had this same issue with MNS when I started about 4 years ago. I kept plugging along thinking that my body just needed to adjust.
Then wham, I ordered another form of MNS the 3 series. I hate returning products so I decided that 30 days couldnt do anymore harm.
It worked, decreased bathroom visits and regained energy. I hope this is an easy fix like it was for me.